Marketing slogans
We shamelessly serve meaty and juicy texts that raise the level of endorphins. And we are proud of it. In our projects, we focus not only on aesthetics and functionality but also on accurate, eye-catching marketing slogans and descriptions. Because beautiful design and creative texts are a perfect couple.
Naming & copywriting
Creative copywriting is the perfect complement to a consistent visual strategy. It must be thoughtful, intriguing, and eye-catching. It should also emphasize the character of the brand to help them stand out from the competition.
By using double meanings and cultural references, we not only add character and taste to texts but also address specific groups of recipients. And thanks to the specific language they can identify with the brand.
Choosing the right words
Positive words are like oxygen. That's why we don't hesitate to spread them among the brands we work with. Thanks to texts such as the one in Blue Shadow's gift card, the brand's customers can feel appreciated and special. Because of that we also feel satisfied.